50 years of Arge Alp

This year Arge Alp, the first cross-border cooperation structure in the Alpine region and observer in the bodies of the Alpine Convention, celebrates its 50th anniversary.

The Jubilee Conference of the Heads of Government on the 21st of October 2022 took place in the Great Hall of the Hofburg in Innsbruck, concluding the presidency year of the Tyrol, which was dedicated to the topic of climate protection.

In her contribution, Alpine Convention Secretary General Smerkolj stressed that reducing dependence on fossil fuels is the only way to achieve climate resilience. "Now is the time to join forces and build strong and effective partnerships to implement ambitious climate actions," underlined Ms Smerkolj.

The reference to the new Multi-Annual Work Programme 2023-2030 also found interested listeners. It was adopted at the Alpine Conference in Brig and, in addition to taking ambitious climate action, sets conserving and valuing Alpine biodiversity as well as enabling a good quality of life for the people in the Alps as further priorities.


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