The Alpine Convention was once again present at the international negotiations on climate change taking place under the auspices of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The 29th meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP29) was held in Baku, Azerbaijan, from 18 November-2 December.
Alpine Convention Secretary General Alenka Smerkolj gave a speech during the High-Level Segment during which she highlighted the importance of working together across borders and sectors to address climate change. She pointed out the Alpine Convention’s own experiences in this regard and emphasised the need for more synergies between climate action and biodiversity conservation.
The Mountain Partnership organised a side event on ‘Accelerating climate action for mountains and mountain people’ on 20 November chaired by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The aim of the event was to capitalise on the growing attention given to mountains in international negotiations and mobilise governments and relevant organisations to continue mainstreaming mountain issues under the UNFCCC. The Kyrgyz Republic presented its Declaration on Climate Change, Mountains, and Glaciers, endorsed by 15 countries, among which are several from the Alps. Alenka Smerkolj outlined the history of the Alpine Convention and its work on climate change through the Alpine Climate Target System and the activities of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB).

The Alpine Convention and in particular the ACB were also the focus of an input by Simon Ellmauer-Klambauer, Head of Department for General Climate Policy, Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Austria during an event on ‘National Adaptation Plans (NAPs) and Regional Approaches for resilient Caucasus Mountains and Beyond’. He focused on the importance of implementing the Convention’s climate targets.
He highlighted how the ACB has been developing joint activities in three cross-sectoral hotspots: energy, nature-based solutions, and lifestyles. He also highlighted the work conducted on climate change education under the lead of the Slovenian Presidency.
In addition to participating in the side events, the Secretary General also held several important meetings on the sidelines of the COP.
She met with Leonore Gewessler, Austrian Minister for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology. During their constructive meeting, the two reflected on the excellent cooperation between the ministry and the Permanent Secretariat over the years.

The Secretary General also met with the Deputy Director General of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Izabella Koziell.
The Convention has collaborated with ICIMOD in the past years and remains committed to cooperate and support them where possible in developing their own mountain governance regime.