Constituting meeting of the Alpine Climate Board

On 22 and 23 February 2017 in Vienna, the Advisory Committee on the Alpine Climate (Alpine Climate Board ACB) instituted by the XIVth Alpine Conference in October 2016 met for the first time. Chaired by the Austrian Presidency of the Alpine Convention, the ACB gathers climate change specialists from the eight Alpine States and Observer organisations.  It aims at bundling the current contributions of the Alpine Convention to climate change mitigation and adaptation and will prepare recommendations for future reinforced action, for the attention of the next Alpine Conference in 2018, with the establishment of a climate-neutral Alpine space 2050 as overarching goal. Secretary General Markus Reiterer on the event: “This increase in joint efforts in further addressing climate change in the Alps is particularly welcome. Our area is especially sensitive, since here temperatures have been increasing twice as fast as in the overall Northern hemisphere; but we also have many opportunities to become a model for other regions.”

Photo: Francesco Santantoni


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