EUSALP General Assembly 2018

The General Assembly of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP), which was embedded in the 2nd Annual Forum of the Strategy, took place on 20 November 2018 in Innsbruck. In a Joint Declaration the representatives of the States and Regions of the EUSALP acknowledged the Declaration on sustainable land use and soil protection, which has been supported by 6 Alpine States and 20 Regions in a written procedure during the autumn.

In his statement Secretary General Ambassador Markus Reiterer emphasised that better and more cooperation is needed to tackle the challenges the Alpine Region is currently facing and did not conceal that more progress could have been achieved in strengthening the cooperation between the EUSALP and the Alpine Convention.

He underlined that the objective of the Transport Protocol to reduce the negative effects of and risks posed by intra-Alpine and transalpine transport to a level which is not harmful to people, flora and fauna and their environments and habitats is legally binding under European and international law, so that the question of non-compliance arises with an ever increasing transport in and across the Alps. 


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