On Tuesday 13 June, some 40 participants gathered in Innsbruck to discuss the implications of climate change on water with representatives of the alpS research institute, the municipality of Breitenbach am Inn, the Tyrolean regional forest management office, the development NGO “Südwind” and the Tyroler insurance company. This was the 6th public discussion evening in the Alpen-Forum-Innsbruck series, co-organised by alpS research centre and the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention with varying partners – this time the Tirolean Insurance company, which hosted the event. In her welcome allocation, Deputy Secretary General Marianna Elmi emphasized the work of the Alpine Convention on Water – through the Water Management Platform but also as this year’s topic for the Photo contest, the We are Alps tour and (sneak preview!) the Young Academics Award. To face the predicted water scarcity periods, a careful use of soils and the identification of drought-resistant crop species are the key, in the Alps but also in Southern regions, which are hit even harder. In parallel, adequate spatial planning and forest management are part of the solution to limit flood risks. Participants insisted on the need for all actors along rivers to cooperate, and for all Alpine inhabitants to share the cost of insurance against natural disasters.