This is the second update of ongoing activities being carried out by the Contracting Parties and Observer organisations. This non-exhaustive overview offers insight into the important work being done to bring the Alpine Convention to life on the ground.
- The Slovenian Presidency and the International Scientific Committee on Research in the Alps (ISCAR) warmly invite you to save the date for the international conference “Joint action for the Alps – conserve, connect, and restore” from 12 to 14 June in Kranjska Gora, Slovenia. The three-day conference will offer participants the opportunity to examine the challenges facing biodiversity and geodiversity in the Alps and what policy, scientific, and social aspects need to be strengthened to safeguard their future.
- The German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection held its traditional yearly national meeting with project partners in Berlin on 13 February. Among the 25 participants were colleagues from other Federal and Bavarian ministries as well as Alpine Convention observers and further stakeholders. The event is an effective and important platform for exchange and showcasing Germany’s regional, national, and international actions that contribute to the implementation of the Alpine Convention.

- The Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate Action as chair of the Alpine Climate Board, is organising a workshop with CIPRA Austria on the energy transition and the “not in my backyard” (NIMBY) phenomenon. On 4 April, experts will exchange views on and ideas for solutions to achieve climate-neutral and climate-resilient Alps by 2050, guided by a mediator.
- With the launch of the new Interreg project “INNsieme connect”, partner organisations from Austria (including WWF) and Bavaria are working to improve the biodiversity of the river Inn and implement measures to protect species and raise environmental awareness. Find out more and follow “INNsieme connect” on Instagram.
- Euromontana, together with Eureka 21 and ADTconsult, carried out a study on “Climate change adaptation in mountain areas: meeting the challenge of adapting water management and tourism – diverse perspectives on practices and policies in Europe”, focusing on the challenges of adaptation in water and tourism management in mountain areas including three Alpine countries.
- ALPARC, supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection and the Principality of Monaco, is organising the 10th edition of “Youth at the Top” on 18 July 2024, where hundreds of young people across various Alpine and Carpathian protected areas will explore nature and experience the mountains, focusing on the common theme of 'Alpine flowers and pollinator insects'.
- From artificial intelligence to the last kilometre, from carrying capacity limits to “nudging”: CIPRA’s speciAlps podcast series delves into the topic of visitor guidance for a broad audience. Wolfger Mayrhofer, Deputy Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, spoke in the fifth and final podcast about quiet areas in the mountains, legal problems of Alpine chalet villages or the limits of using drinking water for snow production.

- Cuneo in Italy is the “Alpine Town of the Year 2024” and the newest member of the association. The town is organising different events to commemorate the occasion, like the Cuneo Montagna Festival and the Fiera del Marrone, and will host the association’s General Assembly in May. This offers an opportunity for constructive exchanges that will point to new solutions to the pressing needs of this mountain region.
- The Interreg Alpine Space project “CERVINO” has published the CERVINO Alpine Energy Data Platform which shows the energy situation in the Alpine region and helps to advance the energy transition. It is based on the latest data and open to anyone who promotes the energy transition in the Alpine region. Learn more
- Alliance in the Alps has started its new project “proCURE” to support small and middle-sized municipalities with the implementation of sustainable and joint procurement. The consideration of social, environmental, and economic aspects in public procurement is an important tool for administrations to contribute to the implementation of the Alpine Convention and the SDGs.
For any questions related to the initiatives mentioned, please contact the organisers. The Permanent Secretariat accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of information provided.