Inaugural meeting with the Mayor of Innsbruck

On 23 October, Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Ambassador Markus Reiterer met with the new Mayor of Innsbruck, Georg Willi. During their first meeting, the role of the Alpine Convention in general as well as the presence and visibility of the Permanent Secretariat’s seat in Innsbruck were discussed. Moreover, new ways and possibilities for further cooperation between Alpine Convention and the city of Innsbruck were explored. 

Ambassador Markus Reiterer warmly invited the new Mayor to the XV. Alpine Conference (2-4 April 2019), that will be hosted in the capital of Tyrol, a few months after the upcoming 66th Alpine Convention’s Permanent Committee (6-7 November 2018). Finally, the last details of the first workshop (Erfahrungsaustausch) on mountain bike routes and cycling tours in the Alps, which is organized by the Alpine Convention in close collaboration with the city of Innsbruck, were checked and approved.


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