International Women's Day

Jane Goodall, Primatologist and UN Messenger of Peace says “Women play a tremendously important role in health, in education, in farming and of course in raising the next generation. It is extremely important helping girls to stay in the school up to puberty. Once women are educated and empowered they do have an immense influence on everything that goes on in the villages.”

his is just one of the statements that you can find in our new flyer on the topic of the role of Women in mountain areas. 
The role of Women in mountain areas is one of the priority topics of the Austrian Presidency of the Alpine Convention. The first conference on the topic was organized last April in Alpbach, but since then, it was discussed in several international settings and will also be featured in a side event of the yearly UN Women “Commission on the Status of Women” conference on 19th March at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. 

#International days

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