The Alpine Convention at the Bled Strategic Forum

The Alpine Convention’s promotional film was shown during the 19th International Conference of the Bled Strategic Forum in Bled, Slovenia. The international conference took place from 2 to 3 September and was held under the title “A World of Parallel Realities”.

The film was shown in the frame of a session “Orchestrating Dialogue: Night Owl Concert and Discussion”, organised in cooperation with the Slovenian Presidency of the Alpine Convention. The session, comprising a live orchestra performance and a discussion with international musicians, was moderated and conducted by Žiga Pirnat. He not only produced the Alpine Convention’s film but also composed its soundtrack.

This was a unique occasion to bring the Alpine Convention’s mission to a broad audience including many high-ranking officials from around the world. Moreover, it was a very special screening as it was accompanied by a live performance of the Bled Strategic Forum Symphony Orchestra. 

“We were honoured to show our film and we hope that the participants took home a piece of the Alpine ‘magic’ it conveys. A warm thanks to the organisers, the Slovenian Presidency, and especially to Žiga for helping us bring the Alpine Convention to this international stage!” – Alenka Smerkolj, Secretary General of the Alpine Convention.

The Bled Strategic Forum is an international conference that brings together participants from various fields to exchange views and seek innovative solutions to contemporary and future political, security, strategic, and developmental challenges.

#Alpine Convention projects#International cooperation#Events

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