The Permanent Secretariat was once again honoured and delighted to take part in ALPARC’s annual Danilo Re Memorial and General Assembly from 18 to 21 January!
The 28th edition of the Memorial was hosted by the Kalkalpen National Park in Upper Austria. This special event serves to honour the memory of the ranger Danilo Re, to strengthen friendships, and to facilitate exchanges.
The territories of the protected areas in the Alps are one of the most important foundations of the Alpine Convention, which is why the Secretariat is grateful for the chance to be part of this.
During the General Assembly, ALPARC presented its work over the past year and its cooperation with the Alpine Convention and EUSALP. They also shared insights into their programme of activities until 2025, which will include a repeat of their international Youth at the Top event. Alpine Convention Secretary General Alenka Smerkolj held a welcoming speech and participated in the General Assembly.
The ranger seminar is always a highlight of the event during which representatives from the national parks share updates and insights into their work. This helps create a better understanding of the realities on the ground. This year’s theme was “Biodiversity monitoring in protected areas,” a very fitting topic given current discussions and trends related to biodiversity – at global as well as Alpine level. The Secretariat was pleased to share insights into the Alpine Convention’s work on the topic.

In addition to these two more formal parts there is also the Danilo Re Memorial sports competition with its four disciplines: giant slalom, ski mountaineering, cross-country skiing, and shooting. Unfortunately this year’s sports competition was unable to take place – but the amazing National Park staff made sure there was still an opportunity to get to know more about the Kalkalpen National Park and network during several excursions!
“ALPARC is a major ally in helping us to achieve our objectives: to protect the invaluable Alpine nature and to actively work for sustainable development, and we look forward to continuing our excellent cooperation moving forward,” said Alenka Smerkolj, Secretary General of the Alpine Convention.