The Mountain Dimension of Cooperation: case study “The Alps”

During a one-day expert seminar on how to foster the development of mountainous areas in the European Union, that will take place in Brussels on 9 November and is organized by the DG Regional Policy of the European Commission, the Alpine Convention will be represented by Deputy Secretary General Marianna Elmi. She will present the transnational cooperation project within the Alps to interested stakeholders. 

Ms. Elmi will outline the good practices and cooperation projects within the Alpine perimeter, taking into account EU-policies. Ms. Elmi: “The joint priorities to foster the implementation of the targets and specific rules, as described in the Alpine Convention and its protocols, are reflected in our Multi-Annual Work Programme 2017-2022, offering a framework for actions, strategies and tools for improving living situations and addressing the challenges facing the Alpine area, like climate change, accessibility to urban centers and transport intensity, depopulation and ageing of the population, just to mention a few”. 

As a living space for more than 14 million people and a recreational space for a manifold number of guests per annum, the Alps constitute a precious, yet sensitive area at the heart of Europe. 27 years have passed since the signing of the Alpine Convention; it still serves as a model for other regions today.


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