World Soil Day: Keep soil alive, protect biodiversity

There might be more living creatures in a single teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on the entire Earth. Soil biodiversity loss is a fundamental problem, below and above ground. Keeping soil alive and protecting soil biodiversity is the main topic of today’s World Soil Day and well described in this video clip. The video clip is only a small part of the Slovenia Alpine Convention Day, which celebrated soil on 4 December 2020 with a vibrant program including presentations, discussions, experiments and films.

The Secretary General of the Alpine Convention, Alenka Smerkolj underlined: “For soil protection, two approaches are crucial. Different partnerships are the basis of the work in the scope of the Alpine Convention and we make sure we nurture and support them. But in spite of this, our success is limited if we don’t raise awareness among the inhabitants and visitors of the Alps. This is especially important with soil because it is normally covered by vegetation and buildings and the effects of its degradation are not immediate. Events like these help people realize how important soil is for our everyday life.”

You are also invited to watch movies with connections to soil and the Alps in the BMU digital library and Alpine Soil Film Tour event, which is online from World Soil Day (5 December) until the International Mountain Day (11 December).

#International days

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