Ad hoc Expert Group for the elaboration of the 5th Report on the State of the Alps on Demographic Changes (2013-2014)

Chair: Italy

The ad hoc expert group was formed by the ministers at the XII Alpine Conference in 2012 with a mandate to prepare the fifth Report on the State of the Alps focusing on demographic changes.  

As stated in the Declaration on Population and Culture, socio-economic and cultural aspects play a central role int the implementation of an integrated policy ensuring the protection and sustainable development of the Alps. The Alpine countries therefore committed themselves to preserve and promote cultural diversity in the Alps as well as to focus on the needs, wishes, and opinions of the people who live in the Alpine area.

The Report that was drafted by the Working Group Demography and Employment, which was set up by the X Alpine Conference in 2009, served as a starting point for the work of the ad hoc expert group. For the preparation of the fifth Report on the State of the Alps, best practices were collected to prepare guidance rules for policymakers regarding their transferability.  

The fifth Report on the State of the Alps was adopted by the XIII Alpine Conference.

Overview of activities, documents and results

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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 4

Quality education

Goal 8

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 11

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 1

No poverty

Goal 2

Zero Hunger

Goal 3

Good health and well-being

Goal 5

Gender equality

Goal 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 10

Reduced inequalities

Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions


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