Ad hoc Working Group for the preparation of the Multi-Annual Work Programme 2017-2022 (2015-2016)
Chair: Germany
This working group was given the task of preparing a proposal of the Multi-Annual Work Programme (MAP) covering the period 2017-2022. This Multi-Annual Work programme was adopted by the XIV Alpine Conference in October 2016.
The MAP 2017-2022 takes into account the results achieved under the MAP 2011-2016 as well as current developments and new insights into pressing challenges the Alps are facing. It also defines the context for transnational cooperation and entails the priorities and activities within the scope of the Alpine Convention for a six-year period. At the same time, it serves as the general frame for joint projects and measures by the Contracting Parties and the Observers and refers to the various aspects of sustainable development in a cross-sectoral way.
Overview of the activities, documents, and results