Energy Platform (2013-2014)
Chair: Switzerland
Being aware of the importance of the energy issue and the impacts energy infrastructures can have on the Alps, the ministers set up the Platform “Energy” at the XII Alpine Conference. The Energy Platform ensured and facilitated the exchange of views on trends in alpine power systems and sought solutions to balance the protection of the environment and the use of land on the one hand and energy production on the other hand.
The Platform also contributed to the implementation of the Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps (German, French, Italian, Slovenian) and operated on two levels: as a core group of experts and at the same time as expert workshops with a wider range of stakeholders.
Overview of activities, documents and results
- Activity Report
- Attachment 1: Workshop summaries
- Attachment 2: Background report of the Alpine Convention Energy Platform
- Presentations of the first workshop, 30 August 2013:
- Cost-efficient strategies to implement the EU 20-20-20 targets in the Alps focusing on heating, Jürg Senn
- Vernacularity, Haenggi
- Switzerland‘s building programme, Olivier Meile
- Energy policy Slovenia, Blanka Bartol
- Energy efficiency Alpine huts, Peter Büchel
- White certificates in Italy, Adriano Bisello
- Incentive scheme from South Tyrol concentrating on the house-owner, Frank Weber
- Vorarlberg on the way to energy autonomy, Adolf Gross
- Center Rinka, Uroš Lobnik
- Presentations of the second workshop, 24-25 October 2013:
- Setting the scene on climate change impacts in the Alps, Lucka Kajfež Bogataj
- Renewable Energies and Landscape Protection in Germany, Insa Lütkehus
- Sustainable energy: Problems and challenges in investments, Matjaž Eberlinc
- Making the "100% Renewable" vision acceptable, Peter Droege
- Südtirol auf dem Weg zum KlimaLand, Flavio V. Ruffini
- The bearded vulture, untouched Alpine landscapes and sustainable tourism, Richard Hastik
- Energy and Wood in the French Alps – Strategies For an Uncertain Resource, Antoine Tabourdeau
- Decentralised or Centralised Solutions for the Alps?, Gerhard Faninger
- Hydropower and windenergy or natural rivers and historical Alpine passes?, Alexander Imhof
- Konfliktfeld Erneuerbare Energien und Raumnutzung, Thomas Scheurer
- Presentations of the third workshop, 12-13 February 2014:
- Setting the scene on “new energy systems” for the energy transition, Christian Schaffner
- Forward to the E-mobility for decentral electricity storage, Jean-Marie Compas
- Balancing demand and supply with new storage systems, Peter Droege
- Solar District Heating - Experiences from Denmark, Jan Erik Nielsen
- The Green Battery for a Sustainable Europe, Peter Bauhofer
- Pumped storage power plants for irregular solar and wind power?, Aurelio Fetz
- Adapting the grid system to the requirements of energy transition – efficiency in electric and thermal grids in Italy, Biagio Di Pietra
- Blizzard on the 1st of February 2014 in Slovenia: first conclusions, Aleš Kregar