Mountain Agriculture and Mountain Forestry Working Group

Together, mountain forests and mountain agriculture represent a distinctive element of Alpine landscapes and both serve important functions: protecting against natural hazards, as a source of sustainable raw materials and energy, recreational functions, employment opportunities, conservation of ecosystems and landscapes, as well as a source of livelihoods and safeguarding the rich heritage of local traditions and knowledge in the Alps (Article 2, paragraph 2 g, h of the Framework Convention).

For these reasons, the 15th Alpine Conference (2019) established the Working Group on Mountain Agriculture and Mountain Forestry, whose work is aligned with the thematic priorities of the Alpine Convention's 2023-2030 Multi-Annual Work Programme.

In recent years, the group has focused on deepening the topic of climate-friendly agriculture through an inventory and specific scenarios on organic farming in the Alps. It has also worked to promote sustainable forestry and agricultural supply chains by engaging relevant stakeholders through the study of certain valuable supply chains.


Giorgio Matteucci (, Institute of BioEconomy (IBE), Italian National Research Council (CNR)

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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 2

Zero Hunger

Goal 8

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 15

Life on land

Goal 11

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 12

Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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