Mountain Agriculture Platform (2011-2019)
Chair: Austria
Mountain agriculture shapes and maintains the Alpine landscape, keeps traditions alive, and is closely linked to other sectors such as tourism and forestry. It has undergone significant changes in the last decades, with an observed abandonment of farms that is particularly striking in some Alpine countries and is often combined with demographic dynamics.
Mountain farming is one of the 12 focus areas listed in the Alpine Convention (Article 2) and the Mountain Farming Protocol was signed in 1994. In addition, the Action Plan on Climate Change in the Alps refers, among others, to mountain farming and the challenges that mountain agriculture faces due to climate change.
In 2011, the XI Alpine Conference set up the Mountain Agriculture Platform underlining the role of farming as a source of livelihood and thus to maintain an adequate population density. Beside this, it provides the inhabitants and tourists with local high-quality products and preserves the cultural landscape.
Overview of activities, documents and results
- Activity Report 2016-2019
- Alpine Signals 8 on Mountain Agriculture (2017)
- Statement on the Contribution of mountain agriculture to food safety in the Alpine Convention Perimeter (2016) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- Position paper of the Mountain Agriculture Platform in the context of the Alpine Convention, prepared for the Mountain Farming Conference in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (4 October 2016) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- Results of the Platform's consultation in the context of quality labelling - updated with amendments on the Glyphosate and GMO issues (2016) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- 8th meeting of the Platform Mountain Agriculture, (May 2015)
- Auswertung des Fragebogens zum Themenschwerpunkt „Beitrag der Berglandwirtschaft zur Ernährungssicherung - Elisabeth Schwaiger
- Präsentation zu Aspekten der Ernährungssicherung - Christian Steiner (NÖ Agrarbezirksbehörde)
- Ein Diskussionsbeitrag seitens der Schweiz zum Thema Ernährungssicherung - Thomas Maier
- Vorstellung der Mountain Week vom 4-11. Juni 2015 während der EXPO in Mailand - Filippo Favilli (EURAC, Bozen)
- 7th meeting of the Platform on the topic of food security and mountain farming (July 2014)
- “Sustainable mountain farming – Basis for a vibrant Alpine region” (2014) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- Results of the discussion of the Mountain Farming Platform on “marketing, quality and labelling” issues (2013) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- 4th meeting of the Platform on the topic "public services of mountain farming and their interactions as well as "human factor" (Programme - in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian)
- Platform meeting on “Commercialisation/Quality/Labelling” - Presentations (January 2012)
- Vermarktung Bergprodukte - Schermer
- Bergprodukte in Österreich - Ritzinger
- Bergprodukte Österreichische Bundesländer - Steiner
- Mountain products South Tyrol & Italy - Streifeneder
- Trzenje, kakovost oznacevanje gorskih proizvodov sloveniji - Cencic
- Kaksne novosti za hribovsko kmetijstvo v okviru SKP - Tome
- Bergprodukte Schweiz - Aebi
- Heritaste® Label - Kugler
- Progress report on the work of the Mountain Farming Platform (2011) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian
- Declaration on Mountain Farming (2011) - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian