
Full title: MountResilience (Accelerating transformative climate adaptation for higher resilience in European mountain regions)

Mountains, like other areas face unprecedented challenges in terms of climate change, but mountain ecosystems are especially sensitive. The harmful conditions provoked by climate change are exacerbated by the significant deficits in adaptation responses of mountainous areas, which stem from several existing gaps including shortcomings in adaptation options, deficits in the uptake, and a lack of coherence.

MountResilience will increase the adaptation capacity of mountainous regions and communities in order to strengthen climate resilience within the European mountainous biogeographical region (Alpine biogeographical region).

The project aims to accelerate the climate resilient transformation of 10 of the most relevant communities and regions located in the mountains in nine European countries.


September 2023 – February 2028
Climate change
Euromontana, UNIMONT - Universita Degli Studi Di Milano (Italy), 47 partners, including in 4 Alpine countries
Alpine countries
Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 13

Climate action


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