Mountain LEX

Designed by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention, Mountain LEX is the first online database to provide a clear and easy access to legislation for the protection and development of mountains, with special emphasis on European mountains.

As this field is not precisely defined, the purpose is not to present a comprehensive compendium of texts but a selection of the most relevant documents. In order to quickly find a text or to have a global view of a particular decision level, the database is ordered in three categories (international law, European law and national law of Contracting Parties of the Alpine Convention). It has been decided to also include in these categories, beside traditional law, so-called “soft” law texts. At last, you can find in a 4th category with the adopted declarations and charters (entirely or in part) by private organizations. These texts, even without any binding effect, are very interesting as they represent well the state of discussion on the subject at a given moment.

Mountain LEX texts are available in English or otherwise in original version.

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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions


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