Photo Contest

Let the pictures do the talking!

With the annual Photo Contest, we want to show the Alps from different perspectives: their cultural richness and heritage, their majestic natural splendour, their unique biodiversity and ecosystems, and the vibrant lives of their inhabitants.

The Photo Contest is open from June until August. The submitted pictures compete for a spot in the Alpine Convention’s calendar.

Photo Contest 2024

Life beneath the canopies

Forests make up around 40% of the Alpine landscape and are a vital part of our economies and societies. They perform numerous ecosystem services which we depend on every day: filtering air and water and storing CO2, protecting against natural hazards, or providing timber and other raw materials for economic activities. Sustainably managing our Alpine forests is therefore vital for addressing the climate, biodiversity, and pollution crises.

At the same time, forests are much more than this. Beneath their canopies there is a world teeming with life. Each tree, branch, and leaf is different. Forest canopies and floors as well as individual trees and their roots are home to numerous species of plants, insects and other animals – even below the ground, where biodiverse soil holds many secrets! And forests harbour many a character from Alpine myths and legends.

Moreover, people seek out forests and woodlands as places of leisure and restoration. The sounds and scents of the woods help transport us away from our busy everyday lives. They can be a cool sanctuary in summer, and a snowy wonderland in winter. This year’s Photo Contest therefore pays tribute to Alpine forests and trees, without which our quality of life would certainly be much worse!

We would like to extend our gratitude to all participants for the numerous and picturesque submissions to the Photo Contest 2024!

Winners 2024

Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 12

Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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