SDGs in the Alps Sustainable Development Goals
Discover how the Alpine Convention is contributing to the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals!
The Alpine Convention is an example of the transnational implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Long before the SDGs were established, the eight Alpine countries and the European Union had already come together to work for a more sustainable development of the Alpine region.
The Alps harbour some of the most amazing wilderness in the core of Europe, the peaks and glaciers they are famous for. But another major Alpine feature is the varied cultural landscapes, shaped by centuries, in fact millennia, of human occupation. Finding a balance between environmental protection, economic development, and the social wellbeing of the Alpine inhabitants is not just “nice to have” – it is key for a good life in the Alps, now and in the future. Sustainable development is therefore an established concept in the Alpine region – an area in which the Alpine Convention is leading the way.
Sustainable development in the Alps can only be successful if the social and economic models consider the needs and opinions of people living in the Alpine area. It is also about raising awareness about the essential and intrinsic role of a preserved nature in the quality of life in the Alps: as a basis for agriculture, tourism and recreation, to protect us from natural hazards and for many more important ecosystem services.
Did you know?
Many of the Alpine Convention documents, publications, and activities are already aligned to one or more of the SDGs, offering an example of their implementation in practice! Explore the connections between the SDGs and the work of the Convention in the interactive graphic below.

The 17
The 17 Goals
What are the Sustainable Development Goals?
The United Nations adopted the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. The Goals are a universal call to action to improve the livelihoods of people around the world and to protect the planet and ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for all. Find out more about the Goals.