Biodiversity & Nature Conservation

The Alps are home to more than 30,000 animal and 13,000 plant species. Almost 30% of the Alpine area is protected, but many species roam over larger distances. Ecological corridors and “steppingstones” are crucial for enabling these movements. Moreover, it is important that the whole territory remains permeable and liveable for all species.

Large carnivores (wolf, bear, and lynx) and wild ungulates (ibex, chamois, red deer, etc.) are an important part of the Alpine imagery and ecosystems, but may come into conflict with human activities such as pastoralism, forestry, and hunting. Sustainable wildlife management requires us to balance and harmonise these and other interests. Well-balanced solutions have to be sought in cooperation with all involved actors (Article 2, 2f of the Framework Convention).

In 2023 a Trilateral Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the CBD, the Carpathian Convention, and the Alpine Convention to deepen cooperation on the topic of biodiversity.

Protocols and Declarations

Thematic Working Bodies

Selected Documents and Publications


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 15

Life on land

Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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