
Today, energy makes up the foundation of almost all human activities. In times of climate change, substituting fossil fuels with renewable sources of energy is paramount. The energy crisis of the last years only accentuates this need. The Alps have traditionally been a major producer of hydroelectricity, but they also benefit from strong solar radiation and forests as a source of biomass. However, available land in the Alps is scarce, and energy production, including renewable energies, can have negative impacts on nature and landscape as well as on other human activities such as mountain agriculture. Therefore, a balanced and cautious approach needs to be adopted for developing or upgrading energy production sites in the Alps. Additional renewable energy production has to go hand in hand with energy savings and efficiency, especially for the transport and building sectors.

Under their general obligations, the Contracting Parties have committed to taking energy-related measures with the objective “to introduce methods for the production, distribution and use of energy which preserve the countryside and are environmentally compatible, and to promote energy-saving measures” (Article 2, 2k of the Framework Convention).

Protocols and Declarations

Thematic Working Bodies

Selected documents and publications


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 7

Affordable and clean energy

Goal 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 10

Reduced inequalities

Goal 12

Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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