More than 40% of the Alps are covered by forests, and this percentage is growing rapidly due to rising temperatures and the abandonment of cultivated land. From a climate perspective, forests play a key role in absorbing carbon and as a source of renewable energy, while also providing timber as a building material.
They are a distinguishing element of the Alpine landscape and offer natural protection against avalanches, landslides, floods, and other disasters. Sustainable forest management ensures soil protection, protection from natural hazards, renewable sources of raw materials, energy sources, employment opportunities, mitigation of climate change, ecosystem conservation, and protection of Alpine landscapes (Article 2, 2h of the Framework Convention).
Protocols and Declarations
Thematic Working Bodies
The topic of future-oriented farming and forestry (nature protection, socio-economic and cultural aspects) is addressed in one of the subgroups of the EUSALP Action Group 6.
Selected Documents and Publications
- Towards agricultural and forest management in line with the ecological transition of Alpine areas (2024)
- Organic farming in the Alps: a first analysis and some development scenarios (2022)
- Value chains in Alpine regions and selected sectors of agriculture and forestry (2022)
- Final Report of the Mountain Agriculture and Mountain Forestry Working Group of the Alpine Convention 2019-2020 (2020)
- Statement on the Value of Alpine Forests and the Alpine Convention's protocol on Mountain Forests in the framework of the international forestry policies beyond 2015 (2014)
- The protective function of Alpine mountain forests
- RockTheAlps (Alpine Space Programme) - harmonised rockfall, natural risk and protection forest mapping in the Alpine Space (2016-2019)