Green Economy

Greening the economy refers to the transformation process of Alpine economies towards a low-carbon, resource-efficient, environmentally and socially sustainable model. This transformation requires a paradigm shift in the current understanding of the relationship between the economy, the environment, and people, as well as in the way economic processes are carried out. Green economy is thus a holistic approach that tries to address all sectors of economy and society in order to reconcile economic investments with environmental conservation and social protection.

The Alps, with their specific challenges and their unique resources, have the potential to function as a laboratory to see a green economy in action, as well as to spread it beyond their borders. Although never explicitly mentioned in the Protocols, green economy and its underlying principles can be considered a recurring theme in the Alpine Convention’s legal texts and activities.

Protocols and Declarations

Furthermore, the underlying principles of green economy are directly or indirectly addressed in the Framework Convention as well as in the Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development Protocol, the Mountain Farming Protocol, the Mountain Forests Protocol, the Tourism Protocol, the Energy Protocol and the Transport Protocol.

Thematic Working Bodies

Selected Documents and Publications


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 8

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 7

Affordable and clean energy

Goal 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 10

Reduced inequalities

Goal 12

Responsible consumption and production

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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