Spatial planning

Space is a limited resource needed for a variety of purposes. This applies especially to the Alps, where less than 20% of the surface is suitable for human settlement. The remainder of the land is too steep, too high or too remote. Coordinating these demands in a sustainable way is key and must be done across borders and sectors. A strong and committed cross-sectoral approach is needed to ensure sustainable spatial development of the Alpine area.

The Contracting Parties of the Alpine Convention therefore defined the common goal to “ensure the economical and rational use of land and the sound, harmonious development of the whole region. Particular emphasis must be placed on natural hazards, the avoidance of under- and overuse and the conservation or rehabilitation of natural habitats by means of a thorough clarification and evaluation of land use requirements, anticipatory integral planning and coordination of the measures taken” (Framework Convention Art. 2, 2b).

Protocols and Declarations

Thematic Working Bodies

Action Group 6 on the “Preservation and valorisation of natural resources, including water and cultural resources” of the EUSALP, which is led by the Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention and the Province of Carinthia, deals with the topic of spatial planning in one of its subgroups.

Selected Documents and Publications


Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 11

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 3

Good health and well-being

Goal 8

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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