Expert Workshop on Drought Risk Management in the Alps
Expert Workshop only exists in english:
Topics of the workshop were the current situation in drought risk management in the Alpine region, past drought events, that caused considerable damages and some measures for drought management that have already been implemented in the past and turned out to be effective. Systems for monitoring and modelling of drought events, examples of good practices and experiences which can be used as good basics for future drought risk management activities were presented as well. In discussion it was brought out that due to climate change this kind of events might occur even more frequently in the future. Main conclusions were that droughts cause consequences in the height of billions of eur, that prevention measures are mostly dispersed through different sectorial documents (water management, agriculture, nature, water supply, etc.) and that more comprehensive and focused approach is needed.
- Drought management in Austria
By Christian Schilling - New challenges in drought management in Northern Bavaria
By Hannah Berger - Management of water scarcity in the Adige river basin: the case of 2017 drought
By Dr. Giuseppe Fragola - Drought Risk Management in Slovenia
By Lara Flis - Drought Monitoring in Slovenia
By Gregor Gregorič - Hydrological droughts in Alpine regions of Slovenia
By Mira Kobold - River flow regimes and discharge trends in Slovenian Alps
By Florjana Ulaga, Peter Frantar - Possible use of water balance model mGROWA as water scarcity indicator
By Peter Frantar, Urška Pavlič - DriDanube (Drought Risk In the Danube Region) project
By Andreja Sušnik - Life ViVaCCAdapt project - Adapting to the impacts of climate change in the Vipava Valley
By Jože Papež, Silvana Batič