SuperAlp!7 (2013)
SuperAlp!7 only exists in English:
The Permanent Secretariat of the Alpine Convention organizes also this year SuperAlp! – alpine crossing by using sustainable means of transport (train, bus, cableway without forgetting the most eco-friendly and natural way, walking) SuperAlp! is more than just a journey across the Alps. It communicates the Alpine Convention which essentially represents the toolbox for the sustainable development of the Alpine region, easily transferable also to other mountain regions of the world. The aim of SuperAlp is to raise awareness about soft mobility and sustainability issues, through press articles about aspects of life, culture and nature in the Alps as well as by visiting local and regional authorities which implement good practices for sustainable development in the Alps. The 2013 edition is focused of the Alps as hinge of Europe. A new sustainable itinerary straddling national borders, along ancient communication routes, on the trail of historical populations and new inhabitants.
Maja Prijatelj - - Alpsko izobilje
Gneča pod streho Zahodne Evrope - Homo alpinumi na električnih kolesih
Simonetta Radice - - The SuperAlp: it’s Almost Time!
SuperAlp 7: borders, ancient routes, populations and inhabitants // SuperAlp 7: Confini, antiche vie, vecchi e nuovi abitanti delle terre alte
SuperAlp second part: from Gran Paradiso to Mont Avic // SuperAlp parte seconda: tra il ¸ Gran Paradiso e il Mont Avic
SuperAlp part three: from Via Alpina to the land of the Walser // SuperAlp terza parte: dalla Via Alpina alla terra dei Walser
The sustainable mobility challenge, from the cities to the Alps. By Simonetta Radice // Le sfide della mobilità sostenibile, dalle città alle Alpi. Di Simonetta Radice
Raul Cazan - 2 celsius network - Mont Blanc on a free ticket
Jan Stejskal - Časopis Krkonoše - Jak funguje Alpská úmluva?
Roberto Di Caro - L'Espresso - Passaggio a Nordovest
Pia Seidl - Bergauf - SuperAlp!7, Nachhaltiger Alpenrausch
Michele Dalla Palma - TREKKING&Outdoor - SUPERALP 2013, Un’avventura “sostenibile” attraverso le Alpi
Romano Venziano (RSI LA1) - Viaggio ad alta quota | Le Alpi senza confini
Paribesh Predhan - Kathmandu Post - Surmountable Challenges
Gerhard Fitzthum - DAV Panorama - Neue alte Wege gesucht
La Stampa - In Cappella Mellerio arriva "SuperAlp"
Il Popolo dell'Ossola - Ha fatto tappa a Domodossola la traversata sostenibile delle Alpi SuperAlp
La vallée - In Valle d'Aosta sbarca "SuperAlp!"
Tele VCO - A domo è arrivata la carovana di SuperAlp
Ossolanews - Superalp 2013 ha fatto tappa a Domo
La Stampla - ed. Novara e VCO - Una spedizione eco-sostenibile per valorizzare il territorio alpino