When we stay in a hotel, we consume around ten times more energy than at home, due to the many facilities involved: kitchen, laundry, possibly spa etc. Given the important part of tourism in the Alpine economy, Alpine hotels can be significant actors in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. On 28 and 29 November 2017, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety organised, in cooperation with the adelphi agency, a Conference on “Energy Management in Alpine Hotels”, at EURAC research in Bolzano/Bozen. Hotel managers, energy advisors, researchers, officers from certification agencies and public administrations – in total more than 60 participants from six Alpine countries exchanged experiences and ideas during the two days, also via an interactive brainstorming session and an excursion in the Dolomites. Much can be achieved with simple gestures, which also save money for the businesses. But hotels need support from public bodies for initial investments, and would wish more recognition from the guests, for which eco-friendliness rarely is a decisive factor in choosing their accommodation.
This event is part of an initiative started by Germany during its Presidency of the Alpine Convention: more information here.