Iniciativa brati gore : uspešno popotovanje

11. decembra – na Mednarodni dan gora – smo dosegli vrh: »Brati gore«; literarni natečaj širom Alp! Gorski reševalci, planinska društva, aktivnosti in razmišljanja, poezija in proza; gore papirja, dogodivščine in divjina; knjige na odru in stojnice knjig; gorska literatura iz Alp, pa tudi iz najvišjih gorskih vrhov sveta; zgodovinski dogodki in moderna Alpska literatura; alpski pevski zbori; številni dialekti in celo znakovni jezik. Festival »Brati gore« nam je pokazal – s pomočjo številnih partnerjev in prijateljev Alpske konvencije – da Alpe pripovedujejo številne zgodbe kot darilo na poti domov. 

On December 11– International Mountain Day - summit reached: “Reading Mountains” - A literary festival all over the Alpine region! Mountain rescue and alpine clubs, activity book and own thoughts, lyric, poetry and prose on mountains of paper, adventure and wilderness, a library as stage, book tables, mountain literature from the Alps as well as from the highest peaks in the world, historical events and modern alpine literature, alpine farming and mountaineer choir, reading in dialect and sign language. “Reading Mountain” has shown us - with the support of all our partners, friends of the Alpine Convention - that the Alps are narrating via numberless stories as a gift on the way home.

#Projekti Alpske konvencije

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