Delovna skupina Velike zveri in prostoživeči parkljarji ter družba - WISO
Velike zveri, kot so volkovi, medvedi in risi, ter prostoživeči parkljarji, na primer kozorogi, gamsi in jelenjad, so pomemben sestavni del alpskih ekosistemov in pogosto jih povezujemo z alpskimi okolji v umetniških ali kulturnih upodobitvah.
Tekom zadnjih petih desetletij so si populacije velikih zveri v Alpah bistveno opomogle, kar je splošno priznana zgodna o uspehu na področju ohranjanja narave. Usklajen pristop na ravni Alp je ključen za skupno razumevanje razporeditve in velikosti njihovih populacij ter za boljše obvladovanje konfliktov s človekovimi dejavnostmi, kot so pašništvo, gozdarstvo in lovstvo.
Glavni namen Delovne skupine Velike zveri in prostoživeči parkljarji ter družba (WISO), ki jo je ustanovila X. Alpska konferenca leta 2009, je poiskati in deliti skupne rešitve za upravljanje z velikimi zvermi in prostoživečimi parkljarji, ki bo usklajeno z družbenimi dejavnostmi in ki bo temeljilo na celostnem pristopu. Delovna skupina se ne ukvarja le s strogo ekološkim pristopom, ampak se trudi upoštevati tudi gospodarske in družbene dejavnike in njihovo ravnovesje.
Tekom trenutnega mandata delovna skupina WISO kot nadaljevanje preteklih aktivnosti spodbuja izmenjavo izkušenj med alpskimi državami za oceno upravljanja z velikimi zvermi in prostoživečimi parkljarji ter njihovega družbenega in gospodarskega vpliva. Pri tem upošteva tudi evropski in mednarodni kontekst, na katerem temelji trenutna nacionalna zakonodaja za upravljanje z velikimi zvermi in prostoživečimi parkljarji (Bernska konvencija in Direktiva o habitatih).
Pregled aktivnosti, dokumentov in rezultatov
- Mandate until the XIX Alpine Conference
- Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and prevention of damages caused by large carnivores (2024)
- Joint Conference of the Alpine and Carpathian Conventions for the exchange of practices on management of large carnivores (2024)
- Report on the Monitoring, Status and Management of the Brown bear in the Alps (2024)
- Activity Report 2023-2024
- Implementation of the management options for the conservation of the Brown bear in the Alps (2022)
- Summary on the wild ungulate management discussion (2022)
- Landscape connectivity for large carnivores and wild ungulates in the Alps (2022)
- Implementation of the management options for the conservation of the wolf in the Alps (2022)
- Activity Report 2021-2022
- Prevention of damages caused by large carnivores in the Alps (2020)
- Summary of the exchange on ungulate monitoring (2020)
- Activity Report 2019-2020
- Activity Report 2016-2019
- Preventing damage by large carnivores: A comparison of use of the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development to protect livestock in the Alpine countries (2018)
- Guidelines for Common Management of Brown Bear in the Alpine and Northern Dinaric Region (2017)
- Statement on the DINALPBEAR report “Guidelines for Common Management of Brown Bear in the Alpine and Northern Dinaric Region”
- Wolf in the Alps: Recommendations for an internationally coordinated management (2016)
- Lynx in the Alps: Recommendations for an internationally coordinated management (2016)
- Defining, preventing and reacting to problem bear behaviour in Europe (2015)
- Report on the implementation of the RowAlps project (2014)
- Preliminary results of the EU pilot action on problem bear management in the Alpine bear population (2014)
- Preliminary version of the IBEX map in the Alps
- Referenčni okvir Platforme "Velike zveri in prostoživeči parkljarji in družba" (sprejet marca 2011 na XI. Alpski konferenci, Brdo 2011)
- Izhodišča Platforme
- Prva konferenca Platforme “Velike zveri in prostoživeči parkljarji”, 26.-28. april 2012, Innsbruck
- Programme WISO Conference April 2012, Innsbruck
- WISO Platform Activities, Caroline Nienhuis
- Guidelines for Population Level Management, Urs Breitenmoser
- Brown bear management in Slovenia, Marko Jonozovic
- The genetic footprint of Alpine ibex reintroductions & implications for population management, Christine Grossen
- Results from the ECONNECT project, Ruedi Haller
- Monitoring standards for large carnivores in Germany, Felix Knauer
- Lynx Project Bayern, Sybille Wölfl
- Monitoring of wolves in the Alps, Francesca Marucco
- Working group Modeling
- Working group Monitoring
- Working group Human Dimensions
- Druga delavnica Platforme "Velike zveri in prostoživeči parkljarji", 1.-3. februar 2010, Innsbruck
- Programme
- Information on the first meeting of the platform
- Situation of large carnivores in the Alps, Urs Breitenmoser
- Carnivores and Ungulates in the Alps, Ulrich Wotschikovsky
- Expectations of Alpine hunters towards governments concerning large carnivores and wild preys, Marco Giacometti
- Multifunctional close-to-nature forest management and wildlife management, Philippe Schütz
- Multifunctional Mountain Forestry, Kurt Ziegner
- Alpine outdoor sports–recent developments, nature compatibility & good practices for visitors guidance, Willi Seifert
- Viewpoints of the Alpenpark Karwendel, Tourism, Anton Heufelder
- Small Ruminants versus Large Carnivores in the Alps, Georg Höllbacher in Veronika Nowak
- Nature protection, Joanna Schoenenberger
- Platform "Ecological Network" of the Alpine Convention, Yann Kohler
- Alpine Space Project Econnect, Aurelia Ullrich
- Prva delavnica Platforme "velike zveri", 22.-23. oktober 2009, Vaduz
- Information on the first meeting of the platform
- “Large carnivores and wild ungulates”,mandate, reasoning behind and working methods, Felix Näscher
- Platform “Large Carnivores and wild ungulates” and the Alpine Convention, Regula Imhof
- Living with large carnivores and wild ungulates in a changing ecological, economical and socio-cultural environment, Mario F. Broggi