Platforma Energija (2013-2014)
Predsedstvo: Švica
Na XII. Alpski konferenci so ministri ob zavedanju pomena energetskih vprašanj in učinkov energetske infrastrukture na Alpe ustanovili Platformo Energija. Platforma je omogočala razpravo o trendih v alpskih energetskih sistemih in iskala rešitev za uravnoteženje zaščite okolja in rabo tal na eni ter proizvodnjo energije na drugi strani.
Platforma je prav tako pripomogla k izvajanju Akcijskega načrta za podnebne spremembe v Alpah. Delovala je na dveh nivojih: kot ožja skupina strokovnjakov, sočasno pa so potekale tudi strokovne delavnice s širšim naborom deležnikov.
Pregled aktivnosti, dokumentov in rezultatov
- Poročilo predsedstva Platforme za energijo za obdobje 2013 - 2014
- Priloga 1: Workshop summaries
- Priloga 2: Background report of the Alpine Convention Energy Platform
- Predstavitve z druge delavnice, 24. in 25. oktobra 2013
- Cost-efficient strategies to implement the EU 20-20-20 targets in the Alps focusing on heating, Jürg Sen
- Vernacularity, Haengg
- Switzerland‘s building programme, Olivier Meil
- Energy policy Slovenia, Blanka Barto
- Energy efficiency Alpine huts, Peter Büche
- White certificates in Italy, Adriano Bisell
- Incentive scheme from South Tyrol concentrating on the house-owner, Frank Webe
- Vorarlberg on the way to energy autonomy, Adolf Gros
- Center Rinka, Uroš Lobnik
- Predstavitve s tretje delavnice, 12. in 13. februarja 2014
- Setting the scene on climate change impacts in the Alps, Lucka Kajfež Bogata
- Renewable Energies and Landscape Protection in Germany, Insa Lütkehu
- Sustainable energy: Problems and challenges in investments, Matjaž Eberlin
- Making the "100% Renewable" vision acceptable, Peter Droeg
- Südtirol auf dem Weg zum KlimaLand, Flavio V. Ruffin
- The bearded vulture, untouched Alpine landscapes and sustainable tourism, Richard Hasti
- Energy and Wood in the French Alps – Strategies For an Uncertain Resource, Antoine Tabourdea
- Decentralised or Centralised Solutions for the Alps?, Gerhard Faninge
- Hydropower and windenergy or natural rivers and historical Alpine passes?, Alexander Imho
- Konfliktfeld Erneuerbare Energien und Raumnutzung, Thomas Scheurer
- Predstavitve s tretje delavnice, 12. in 13. februarja 2014:
- Setting the scene on “new energy systems” for the energy transition, Christian Schaffner
- Forward to the E-mobility for decentral electricity storage, Jean-Marie Compas
- Balancing demand and supply with new storage systems, Peter Droege
- Solar District Heating - Experiences from Denmark, Jan Erik Nielsen
- The Green Battery for a Sustainable Europe, Peter Bauhofer
- Pumped storage power plants for irregular solar and wind power?, Aurelio Fetz
- Adapting the grid system to the requirements of energy transition – efficiency in electric and thermal grids in Italy, Biagio Di Pietra
- Blizzard on the 1st of February 2014 in Slovenia: first conclusions, Aleš Kregar