
Enhancing the resilience of Alpine space snow tourism destinations and communities to climate change.

Osnovni podatki

november 2022 - oktober 2025
v teku
Spletna stran
Podnebne spremembe
Alliance in the Alps, EURAC research, Legambiente Lombardia, Polytechnic of Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Mountain Community of Carnia, EGTC Alpine Pearls, Development Agency for Upper Gorenjska, Arctur computer engineering, Deggendorf Institute of Technology, Metabief Ski resort, SAB
Alpske držaeve
Avstrija, Francija, Nemčija, Italija, Slovenija, Švica

Cilji trajnostnega razvoja

ciljev 12

Odgovorna poraba in proizvodnja

ciljev 13

Podnebni ukrepi

ciljev 8

Dostojno delo in gospodarska rast


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