Alpine Climate Board

In response to the need to integrate climate change mitigation and adaptation in all sectors and at all levels, the mission of the Alpine Climate Board (ACB), established by the XIV Alpine Conference in 2016, is to steer and bundle climate action within the Alpine Convention. 

As a strategic framework, the Board drafted the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 and the Climate Action Plan 2.0. The Action Plan identifies sequences of short- and medium-term measures in ten different sectors of activity, the “implementation pathways”, and is at the core of the climate priority area of the Multi-Annual Work Programme of the Alpine Conference for 2023-2030.  

The Board cooperates with the other Thematic Working Bodies in the implementation of the Climate Action Plan 2.0, as well as reaching out to the broader Alpine community to also take on the implementation pathways. To this effect, the ACB carries out exchange, promotion, and monitoring activities, supported by several of its members who act as “caretakers” for specific sectors. 

Since its 2023-2024 mandate, the Board has been dedicating particular attention to three cross-sectoral hotspots: energy – to prevent conflicts in the deployment of renewable energy; nature-based solutions – to support solutions to societal challenges which benefit both biodiversity and human well-being and contribute to climate change adaptation or mitigation; and lifestyles – to provide multipliers with various tools to trigger climate-responsible societal transformation. This is done via workshops, studies, collection of best practices, training activities, and the initiation of projects, all with a focus on governance issues. 

The ACB also regularly shares its experience with relevant international organisations, other mountain regions, and further partners, among others in the frame of the UNFCCC.


Katharina Zwettler, Austrian Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology

Website of the Alpine Climate Board:
Presentation of the Alpine Climate Target System 2050 and implementation pathways, community platform, news, and events


Overview of activities, documents, and results


Webinar series:

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Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 13

Climate action

Goal 15

Life on land

Goal 2

Zero Hunger

Goal 6

Clean water and sanitation

Goal 7

Affordable and clean energy

Goal 8

Decent work and economic growth

Goal 9

Industry, innovation and infrastructure

Goal 11

Sustainable cities and communities

Goal 12

Responsible consumption and production

Goal 14

Life below water

Goal 16

Peace, justice and strong institutions

Goal 17

Partnerships for the goals


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