Natural Hazards Working Group - PLANALP
After the devastating avalanches and floods of 1999, the Alpine Conference appointed a Working Group to develop common strategies and activities for the Alpine Convention in the field of natural hazards.
Based on the recommendations of this Working Group, the Natural Hazards Working Group of the Alpine Convention (PLANALP) was established by the VIII Alpine Conference in 2004.
In its previous mandate, the Working Group initiated the exchange of innovative and effective tools in the field of natural hazard communication to strengthen the risk management within the Alpine countries. In the period 2025-2026, this exercise will be completed and the effectiveness of the tools assessed.
Fabian Tschauner (Fabian.Tschauner@stmuv.bayern.de) and Christian Wanger (Christian.Wanger@stmuv.bayern.de), Bavarian State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection

Overview of activities, documents, and results
- Mandate until the XIX Alpine Conference
- Activity Report 2023 - 2024
- Collection of Communication Tools (2024)
- List of partnerships (2024)
- Activity Report 2021-2022
- Nature-Based Solutions in the Context of Natural Hazards – Policy brief (2022)
- Contingency Planning - Factsheet (2022)
- Contingency Planning in the Area of Natural Hazards (2021)
- Activity Report 2019-2020
- Joint workshop between EUSALP Action Group 8 and Alpine Convention Working Group PLANALP (2019)
- Activity Report 2016-2019
- 7th Report on the State of the Alps: Natural Hazard Risk Governance (2019)
- Conference of the Alpine Convention Natural Hazards Platform (PLANALP): "Protection Systems against Natural Hazards ‐ Durability through Systems Engineering?" - Summary and Recommendations (2015)
- Persistence of Alpine natural hazard protection (2014)
- Breaking fresh grounds in protecting Alpine environments - Flood Risk Management Plans (Conference proceedings), Graz 25 March 2014
- Public workshop on "Water and risk management facing climate change: towards the local adaptation", Brescia 10 October 2013
- Recommendations on integral natural risk management
- Alpine strategy for adaptation to climate change in the field of natural hazards (2013)
- Download more information about the Natural Hazards Platform documents and a summary document (2009)
- Responsibility of the municipalities in the protection against natural hazards - available in German, French, Italian, and Slovenian (2009)